Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps

개발 : The Lordz Games Studio / FlashBack Games
유통 : Slitherine / Matrix
플랫폼 :  PC first, Mac and iPad coming Q1 2013
출시일 : 2012년 8월 (PC)
언어 : English upon release, (German, French and Russian following later)
멀티플레이어 : Active server based PBEM++ / Hotseat
시스템 요구사양 :
OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7
CPU: Pentium 4 or equivalent
RAM: 1GB RAM (XP) or 2GB RAM (Vista/7)
VIDEO: 64Mb video card
HDD: 500Mb
SCREEN: 1024 by 600 pixels high
CD or DVD Drive (not required for the digital version)
Windows Media Player 8 or higher
-권장 사양:
RAM: 2GB RAM or more
VIDEO: 128Mb video card or more
SCREEN: 1024 by 768 pixels high or more


팬저 콥스의 스탠드얼론 확장팩이며 추가된 내용은 다음과 같다.



•A branched brand new Afrika Korps campaign with 20+ new scenarios.
•Several new MP scenarios set in the African theatre.
•More than 20+ new units added to the equipment table, like gliders and flamethrowing tanks.
•More varied scenario objectives.
•Scenario objectives could be changing during the course of a battle.
•New desert-related weather types.
•Added are 10 new Afrika Korps heroes.
•Improved AI.
•New media like: new concept art, music, etc…
•New Intro Trailer.
•The Library extended with the most prominent WW2 airplanes.
•New desert tile-set and desert camouflage units.



Reconnaissance in Force, Ras el Mdauuar, Brevity, Battleaxe, Dash to the Wire, Second offensive, Gazala Line, Malta, Alam Halfa, Suez Canal, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Basra, Iran, Caucasus, Arabia, East Africa, On Road to India, British India, El Alamein, Kasserine Pass, Mareth Line, Tunisian Bridgehead



Panzer Corps Afrika

Posted by 롤링다이스











[ 요구사양 ]
Pentium2 233 or greater
Windows 95/98
8MB 3D Acceleration Video Card that is DirectX compatible
DirectX 6.1a or greater
64 MB of RAM
28.8 Modem or faster


명가 SSI가 제작한 제2차 세계대전을 소재로 한 턴제 전략 시뮬레이션 시리즈.


Panzer General 3 Scorched Earth.rar

Posted by 롤링다이스




SSI가 제작한 제2차 세계대전를 소재로 한 턴제 전략 시뮬레이션 시리즈.


Panzer General

Posted by 롤링다이스