Fallout 3 Cheat:

in game Open Console ( with ^ )

enter "tgm" for Godmode

"^" 키로 콘솔커맨드 창을 연다.
"tgm"을 치고 엔터키를 누르면 무적모드가 적용된다.

폴아웃3 트레이너  +1(수정), +3(수정),


★ 콘솔 화면 ★

문서\my games\fallout3\fallout.ini 에 [menu]


에서 xpos=100을 300정도로 바꿔주세요
콘솔 커서를 오른쪽으로 밀어줍니다

☆ ~ ☆

1. kill = resurrect = 킬,살리기

2. unlock = 해제,해킹

3. rewardkarma 숫자 = 카르마

4. player.setav carryweight 숫자 = 무게

5. player.setav health 숫자 = 에너지

6. player.additem 0000f 숫자 = 돈

7. player.additem 0000a 숫자 = 락픽

8. player.additem 15169 숫자 = 스팀팩

9. player.additem 14c08 숫자 = 파워 헬멧

10 player.additem 14e13 숫자 = 파워 아머

11. tgm = god mode 무한

12. tmm 1 = 전체지도

13. movetoqt = 퀘스트 텔레포트

14. rewardxp = 경험치

15. advlevel = 레벨업

16. player.setav actionpoints = ap포인트

17. player.showinventory = 소지 아이템 목록


총기 및 탄알

player.additem = 공통

1. 4321 - 서브머신건

2. 4325 - C 권총

3. 080b - C 어설트

4. 50F92 - .44 Magnum


1. 4240 - 50 어설트 탄알

2. 4241 - 10 권총 탄알


게임세팅 건드리기

1.setgamesetting favdcarryweightmult 100 -(기본값은 10입니다. 기본150+힘x10=즉만땅해도250) -힘당 무게 100추가-무게제한에서해방!
setgamesetting fmovebasespeed 77 (77이기본값입니다) -100정도 바꾸면...
또, setgamesetting fmoverunmult 8
콘솔띄우고 치세여 아 기본값은 4이므로 달리기속도가2배빨라집니다.
3.setgamesetting favdactionpointsbase 65 (기본값이 65입니다. 늘리면 좀더많이쏘고 많이움직이겠조?)
4.perk 은 player.addspell 0007d4f3 -으런식으로 추가하면 됩니다.(예시는 독면역입니다.)
5.player.additem 0006b534 -삿건중최고-테러불샷건
6.player.additem 0003c07a -개인적으로 좋아하는 장총 .44 매그넘탄 사용합니다.

7D4F3 Poison Immunity
5E2AD Nectar Withdrawal
67572 Head Crippled
63100 Unarmed Boost
630FF Speech Boost
630FE Sneak Boost
630FD Small Guns Boost
630FC Science Boost
630FB Repair Boost
630FA Melee Weapons Boost
630F9 Medicine Boost
630F8 Lockpick Boost
630F6 Explosives Boost
630F5 Energy Weapons Boost
630F4 Big Guns Boost
630F3 Barter Boost
630F2 Luck Boost
630F1 Agility Boost
630F0 Intelligence Boost
630E8 Charisma Boost
630E7 Endurance Boost
630E6 Perception Boost
630E5 Strength Boost
1DEA8 More Burning
C9CF5 Ultrajet Withdrawal
C34D1 Good Luck
C2527 Ant Senses
C2526 Ant Strength
C0548 Galaxy News Broadcast Effect
BDA30 Disintegration
77641 Bloody Mess
1E004 Mesmetron Migraine
BD074 Sawbones' Precision
B878F Purified Water
B7CC9 Immune to Fire
A73D7 Burning Explosion
A5F27 Improved Speech
A5F26 Improved Science
A5F25 Improved Repair
A5F24 Improved Medicine
A5F23 Improved Barter
A5F22 Improved Speech
A5F21 Improved Barter
A5F20 Improved Repair
A5F1F Improved Science
A5F1E Improved Medicine
61DE1 BurningNormalSkin
60C12 BurningNormal
5C6C3 Disintegration
5C6B9 Sharpshooter
5B148 EMP Disable
5B141 Atomization
45656 Bad Water
44AF6 Imolation
9ADE8 Rad Poisoning
9ADE7 Qtm. Cola Withdrawal
99831 Size Matters (3)
99830 Size Matters (2)
9982F Size Matters (1)
94EC3 Kamikaze
94EC0 Finesse (1)
94EBE Night Person
92C48 Gooification
8AF5C Stealth Shield
7B201 Ninja
7B200 Action Girl
79AE3 Bloody Mess
7778B Daddy's Girl (3)
7778A Daddy's Girl (2)
77789 Daddy's Girl (1)
6F5A2 Rad. Limb Healing
6F5A1 Wasteland Survival Assistant
6F5A0 Smart Wasteland Survival Assistant
6F59F Tough Wasteland Survival Assistant
6F59E Sly Wasteland Survival Assistant
6F59D Snide Wasteland Survival Assistant
6F59C Wasteland Survival Expert
6F59B Smart Wasteland Survival Expert
6F59A Tough Wasteland Survival Expert
6F599 Sly Wasteland Survival Expert
6F598 Snide Wasteland Survival Expert
6F597 Wasteland Survival Guru
6F596 Smart Wasteland Survival Guru
6F595 Tough Wasteland Survival Guru
6F594 Sly Wasteland Survival Guru
6F593 Snide Wasteland Survival Guru
6F592 Better Rivet City Prices
6F590 Barkskin
6E770 Radiation Resistance
6CABE Suit Med-X
6B20E Poison
6B20B Paralyzing Palm
6AA60 Alcohol Withdrawal
6533A Concussion
62697 Well Rested
62696 Well Rested
6191A Radiation Burst
617BE Radiation Healing
617BD Radiation Resistance
60C16 Immune to Radiation
5876C WaterBreathing
3E616 Enclave Eyebot Broadcast
2AE29 Med-X Withdrawal
4D844 Poison
4D843 Poison
44CA5 Scoundrel (1)
44CA4 Nerd Rage!
44CA3 Impartial Mediation
44CA2 Scoundrel (3)
44CA1 Scoundrel (2)
44951 Gun Nut (3)
44950 Gun Nut (2)
4494F Gun Nut (1)
4494D Daddy's Boy (3)
4494C Daddy's Boy (2)
4494B Daddy's Boy (1)
4494A Little Leaguer (3)
44949 Little Leaguer (2)
448E2 Fatal Rad Poison.
33067 Jet Withdrawal
33066 Buffout Withdrawal
33064 Psycho Withdrawal
33063 Mentats Withdrawal
32DF0 Deadly Rad Poison.
32DEF Adv. Rad Poison.
32DEE Minor Rad Poison.
32DED Crit. Rad Poison.
31DA2 Iron Fist (3)
31DA1 Iron Fist (2)
31DA0 Iron Fist (1)
31D9F Little Leaguer (1)
31D9B Thief (3)
31D95 Thief (2)
31D94 Solar Powered
31D92 Thief (1)
31D90 Action Boy
31D8D Cyborg
31D8C Silent Running
31D8B Life Giver (3)
31D8A Life Giver (2)
31D88 Life Giver (1)
31D85 Rad Resistance
31D7D Toughness
147 Average Water
20D77 Terrible Water
20D76 Lethal Water
20517 Good Water

Console Codes

Hit the Tilde (~) key to access the console and enter one of the following codes.
'~'를 누르고 아래의 문구를 입력하세요.

addspecialpoints #
add # special points
SP를 # 만큼 증가
All mapmarkers
지도에 모든 지점 표시
player.setlevel #
changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
캐릭터의 레벨을 #으로 만든다.
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) #
changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8.
특정 능력치를 #만큼 증가시킨다.
complete current quest
현재 임무를 완료한 것으로 만든다.
gain a level
다음 레벨에 필요한 XP 보여준다
God Mode
무적 상태
No clipping mode
벽 뚫기 모드
player.additem 0000000F "XXX"
Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.
돈을 XXX 만큼으로 설정한다.
rewardKarma #
reward # karma points to player
#만큼의 카르마(명성) 포인트를 추가한다.
setspecialpoints #
set the number of special points to #
SP를 #으로 설정
player.setav<SKILL> #
Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
기술수준을 #으로 설정한다.
player.setav<S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> #
Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
특정 (스탯)을 #으로 설정한다.
toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
자유 시점 상태로 설정/해제 한다.
turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots)
화면 정보를 끄거나 켠다.
Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
선택된 상자/자물쇠/컴퓨터를 열거나/해킹한다.


Posted by 롤링다이스
Posted by 롤링다이스

Tenebrae - Version 1.04 - Readme

System Req.
Tenebrae is not quake1 anymore, it uses more advanced graphics algorithms so it requires a much faster system to run.
These are the bare minimum reqs to run Tenebrae:

PIII 600
64 Mb RAM (More if you want to use some mods.)
Water vissed maps

Recommended is a faster processor and a geforce4 / radeon 8500 class 3d card.

-The following 3d cards should work with tenebrae:
Nvidia: Geforce1, Geforce2, Geforce4 Mx, Geforce3, Geforce4 TI, GeforceFx 5200, 5600, 5900 (5200 may give very bad performance)
Ati: Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, 8500, 9000, 9700+
Intel: 830M (some others maybe too, they run very slow in the 9 pass arb1 path)

From worst to best per vendor.

Note: There seems to be a driver bug in some detonator drivers (Nvidia) that causes a crash when you are using texture compression.  Disable this if you get a sudden crash during level loading.

-The following cards may work if users submit updated paths. (If you are an user and have the necesarry skills, sign up with sourceforge and I'll add you to the project.)
Matrox Parhelia

-The following cards will NOT work with Tenebrae ever.
ATI Rage Pro
3DFx Voodoo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Banshee
Nvidia Riva TNT and Riva TNT2
3D labs Kyro II
Older and even more arcane 3d cards...
Just buy a new card, since they are all very old.

If you downloaded the Installer version, just run it and follow the on screen instructions.
If you downloaded the zip verion, unzip the contents of the zip into the quake directory to install it.  Make sure you unzip ALL files in the archieve and make sure you are using folder info when unzipping. (In winzip check "use folder names")
Then install the vis patch, to download it see the downloads page on the Tenebrae website.  (If you have already applied the vis patch you don't have to apply it again.)
If you have unpacked the tenebrae pack file into the tenebrae directory you should delete those files,otherwise tenebrae will use the old 1.03 files in the directory and not the new 1.04 files (in pak0.pak)
If you don't know how to do this I recommend you just remove the tenebrae subdirectory in your quake directory and reinstall tenebrae.

There is a frontend for tenebrae, this allows you to modify some grapics options for tenebrae by using an easy windows interface.  You can start it by running tenebrae_launcher.exe .
If you are used to quake, you can always run tenebrae.exe directly altrough you will need to set your preferences via the console and the command line parameters.

Technial troubles?
These are some of the troubles lots of people had with previous versions.

S: The water is weird.
A: Install the vis patch (To download it, see website).

Q: How do I change my screen resolution?
A: Use the frontend, if you are against doing things easy use the "-width [resolution]" command line parameter.

More information & contact


New in version 1.04
-Bug Fixes:
 -Doesn't crash anymore when it runs out of memory.  But it becomes
 very slow as it constantly loads the art from disk.
 -Network support fixed
 -New protocol version (less bandwith needed)
 -Connection Timeout timer bug fix
 -Fixed flashlight not removed on disconnect/death
 -e3m3 collision bugs fixed
 -Better normalization on ARB path (Using math instead of a cubemap)
 -Fixed ARB path (radeon 9700 bug)
 -Fixed smoke on ATI cards
 -Tga's with 'invert' flag work (thanks to Lord Havoc)
 -No hud or particles drawn in wireframe mode
 -Lots of other minor things and code cleanups
-New Features:
 -Multi surface md3's (md3's with multiple textues on the same model)
 -Play old quake demo's
 -"Official" misson disk support
 -Unmodified mod support (depending on the mod you can stil
 get certain problems)
 -gl_transformlerp (experimental and buggy, off by default)
 -Better tangent space calculations for meshes, allowing for mirrored
 parts of skins, ... to work properly 

New in version 1.03
-Bug Fixes:
 -double shadow in chase_acitve with sh_playershadow set to 1
 -condebug command line parameter
 -incorrect clipping of models when they are rotated
 -calculation of md3 bounding radius
 -brightness/gamma adjustment
 -alt+tab and minimization errors
 -quake movement bug when looking up/down
 -world clipping in chase_active

-New Major Features:
 -Particle/Decal scripting
 -underwater caustics
 -compressed texture support
 -normal map support
 -texture resample interpolation
 -some more optimizations
 -PNG support for textures
 -ARB_fragment_program path (radeon 9500+ & geforceFX (if nvidia sends us one :D) )
 -Parhelia path (use -forceparhelia since it's hardlocking the machine with current drivers)

-New Minor Features:
 -gl_gloss cvar to control glossmap value
 -spiralling console (activate with con_spiral)
 -clock on console
 -sndchannels game parameter to control sound channels
 -sndspeed game parameter to control sample rate
 -sndbits game parameter to control bits per second
 -pause demos with pausedemo cvar
 -removed pak naming convention
 -nobumpmaps game parameter to disable bumpmaps
 -snd_reversestereo cvar for people with reversed wiring or SB16 sound cards
 -increased pak file limit from 10 to 256
 -Quake3 style timescale cvar
 -windows clipboard pasting to console
 -previous weapon switching (use impulse 12)
 -user directory support (linux)
 -glossmap has to be the same size as normal map (it had to be the same size as color map previously)

New in version 1.02
- Speed optimizations in different places, mainly due to the better caching of volumes and tangent space light vectors.
- Bug fixes, some of the more important ones are:
 -Bug with world tangent space and high resolution textures.
 -Bugs with alias tangent space (total rewrite)
 -Overriden colormaps did not get an autogenerated bumpmap
 -Crash when using high res textures (> 512*512)
 -Crash when shadow volume buffer overflowed (It's now bigger and should not crash anymore)
 -Bug with incorrect GL_CLAMP behaviour on nvidia drivers.
 -Bug resulting in some shadow volumes giving errors.  (e.g. Nailgun)
 -Bug that caused some high resolution modes not to show up when the user had a lot of modes available.
- New features
 -Radeon support (Thanks to Jarno Paananen)
 -Mac port (Thanks to Axel Wefers)
 -Glares (call them what you want, also commonly referred to as Light Blooms)
 -Md3 support
 -Animation interpolation
 -Luminance textures (local light for texture)
 -"Modern" particle engine
 -Uses lights from the original maps (less dark)
 -Player has been given a flash light (use following console command to toggle with z key: bind "impulse 100" z)
 -Flare grenades (Unlimited supply of nonexplosive light giving grenades, use 6 to toggle between grenade/flare)

New in version 1.01
- Added some checks to make things faster.  (Basically not everything was being clipped to the view frustum)

New in version 1.00
- Bumpmapping (and everything that comes with it, texture overriding, bumpmaps, ...)
- Editing capabilities are improved
- Fixed volume generation for alias models
- Fixed world-vertex 0 bug
- Fixed other bugs

'IBM-PC Games > FPS/Shooters' 카테고리의 다른 글

[고전] 퀘이크1 (Quake)  (0) 2008.11.07
ZDOOM (Z둠)  (0) 2008.11.03
[패치] 바이오쇼크(Bioshock) 한글패치  (0) 2008.10.31
[고전] Rise of the Triad  (1) 2008.10.30
[패치] 무법자(Outlaws)  (0) 2008.10.29
Posted by 롤링다이스













Hex cheats:

For unlimited energy:
Search for 9A 98 0A
Change to: 9A 98 FF

'Tips&Hacks' 카테고리의 다른 글

[치트] 고인돌2 (Prehistorik 2) 치트키  (0) 2008.10.27
Posted by 롤링다이스














The level codes:

Level      Beginner    Expert
Level 1     8DD2
Level 2     95E3
Jungle      A605        3527
TreeHouses  6D96
Tree Trunk  75A7        4541
Snow level  7DB0        0CD2
Ice Caves   85C1        14E3
Fortress                1CF4

New level codes for Prehistorik 2

Level       Expert
level 1     d611
level 2     0683
jungle      E3E3
tree houses 1455
tree trunk  44C6
snow level  F1B5
Ice caves   2227
Fortress    5290

'Tips&Hacks' 카테고리의 다른 글

[치트] 고인돌1 (Prehistorik) 치트키  (0) 2008.10.27
Posted by 롤링다이스
Alone in the Dark2 어둠속에 나홀로2


Posted by 롤링다이스