'serious sam'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.06.02 시리우스 샘(Serious Sam) 치트키

Main Cheat Codes

NOTE: These are the main Serious Sam cheats that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

Use ` to bring up the console window and use the codes from the list:

please god - God Mode
please giveall - Give All Items
please killall - Kill All Enemies
please open - Open All Doors
please fly - Fly Mode
please ghost - No Clipping
please invisible - Invisibility
please tellall - Show All Messages from Netricsa
please refresh - Reset Health to 100

More Cheat Codes

Press[F1] to access the game console. Type any of the cheats listed below and press [F1] again to return to the game.

cht_bGod - Invulnerability
cht_bInvisible - Invisibility
cht_bGiveAll - Give All Weapons
cht_bCopyCheatingPlanet - Give All Cheats
cht_bGhost - Ghost mode (walk through walls)
cht_bRefresh - Full Health
cht_bFly - Flying Sam

Demo Cheat Codes

At the Main Demo Screen (where you can select Single Player, Demo, etc.) Hit the Tilde Key to bring up the console. Type in one of the following:

To see a list of variables that can be changed, type in the following:


Posted by 롤링다이스