'사우루스'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.07.29 [치트키] 튜록 치트코드 (Turok Cheats & Codes)

Cheat List

In order to use these cheats, you must first do some file editing. Please keep in mind that this is done at your own risk. Your file/computer can become messed up as a result. Head to your game's Configuration folder and open the file Turokinput.ini as a text file. Once there, you'll see a line that says ConsoleKey=None. Change "None" so that it reads "Tilde" instead, and save your file. This will let the tilde (~) key open up the cheats console. Then, enter the cheats as listed below.

  • allammo - Gives you maximum ammo
  • allweapons - Unlocks all weapons
  • fly - Allows your character to fly
  • ghost - Allows your character to pass through objects
  • god - God Mode
  • loaded - Unlocks all standard weapons
  • walk - Deactivation code (for "fly" and "ghost")

Turokinput.ini 파일을 열어서  (C:\Program Files\Touchstone\Turok\TurokGame\Config)
"[Engine.Console] 항목에서 ConsoleKey=None"이라고 적힌 부분을 찾는다.
"None"  이라고 적힌 부분을 "Tilde"로 바꾸고 게임을 실행한다. 게임 실행후," ~"  키를 눌러 콘솔창을 불러 치트코드를 적용할 수 있다. 
Posted by 롤링다이스